google notebook

Last week, Google announced that it will be ending “active development” for Google Notebook. More than a few people are upset about the decision: Google Notebook’s Firefox extension made it a favorite for keeping track of all sorts of notes. With the end

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  • Last week, Google announced that it will be ending “active development” for Google Noteboo...
    8 Replacements for Google Notebook - Lifehack
  • As of July 2012, Google Notebook has shut down and all Notebook data should now be in Goog...
    Google Notebook
  • Find great deals for Google Notebook - CB001. Shop with confidence on eBay! ... The ultima...
    Google Notebook - CB001 | eBay
  • Google Notebook is a webware, helps you to create your documents on web and share them wit...
    Google Notebook - Free download and software reviews - CNET ...
  • Google Notebook was a free online application offered by Google that allowed users to save...
    Google Notebook - Wikipedia
  • 從google推出這個功能開始,notebook就成為我主要的資料紀錄方式,在不同電腦之間瀏覽資料實在很方便。 今天頭腦像猛然開竅一樣,想到放在網上這些寶貴的資料,可能早被別人用g...
    Google notebook 功能裏的資料,會被別人看到嗎 | Yahoo奇摩知識 ...
  • Google神又推出新玩意啦!叫做Google Notebook,這次的這個東東真的不錯用,超方便整理網頁的。只要安裝google提供的小工具軟體,就可以在IE或是Firefox瀏...
    Google又出新玩具-Google Notebook @ Person的網路日誌:: 痞客邦 ...
  • Google筆記本(Google Notebook)是Google 提供的一項服務與軟體,讓使用者方便地儲存及整理從網路上收集的資料,並且利用其共享功能讓使用者將自己的筆記&nbs...
    Google筆記本- 維基百科,自由的百科全書 - Wikipedia
  • The Chromebook is a new, faster computer. It starts in seconds, and offers thousands of ap...
    Home – Google Chromebooks
  • A handy and neat notebook for you to take notes, memo, blogs or diaries, with label suppor...
    Notebook - Chrome Web Store - Google
  • Best notebook app for teachers and students, support note taking and sharing ... No need f...
    Notebook for Class - Chrome Web Store - Google
  • Shop our selection of official Google, YouTube, and Android branded notebooks and journals...
    Notebooks & Journals | Office | Google Merchandise Store
  • Custom fonts for each notebooks. 11. Set theme for each notebook. 12. Convert the entire N...
    Notebooks - Android Apps on Google Play
  • with your Google Account Email or phone Forgot email? Type the text you hear or see Next M...
    Sign in - Google Accounts
  • The Chromebook is a new, faster computer. It starts in seconds, and offers thousands of ap...
    The new Chromebook - Google
  • 在瀏覽網站的時候,常常會看到有用的資訊,使用者通常會把這些資訊保存起來,方便日後查詢。除了把這些資訊儲存在本地端的地腦之外,存放在網路會是一個不錯的選擇。Google Notebo...
    好用的網路筆記本 – Google Notebook – 0與1的邂逅